Unfortunately, no. While it might seem like a case of fair use, most individual streaming services have stipulations in their Terms of Use agreements that prevent you from streaming videos over teleconferencing systems like Microsoft Teams.
Note that a number of documentaries are exempt from these restrictions. For more information, see
Netflix does have a playlist available on their YouTube page of full-length episodes and documentaries of educational resources: Netflix Educational Documentaries Playlist
Please remember University Libraries has a large collection of streaming videos that are available to faculty and students. Please contact a librarian if you need help finding or accessing videos.
AVON and Kanopy are our largest collections of steaming media. AVON provides more than 66,000 titles from a wide range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Kanopy streams more than 30,000 films from the Criterion Collection, Great Courses, PBS, and hundreds of other producers. The films range from documentaries, indie and foreign films to classics and blockbuster movies.
We also offer streaming access to over 25,000 commercial films through Digital Campus. These films may be viewed online or in the classroom and must be ordered by a faculty member.
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