Answered By: Lisa DeLuca
Last Updated: Nov 17, 2014     Views: 59

1. In order to get into databases from off-campus, you need to log in using your short name (the first six digits of your last name followed by the first two digits of your first name, excluding the and your password, which is generally the first four digits of your last name capitalized followed by the last four digits of your SS# followed by the pound sign.

For example. if your name is Melany Harris, your short name would be harrisme and your password would be HARR9999#.

2. Ebsco does not provide fulltext dissertations.Those are supplied by the ProQuest company.Although you can get abstracts of the dissertations and full text of Seton Hall dissertations off campus, you need to be on campus to get the full text of all dissertations provided by Proquest.

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