Answered By: Lisa Rose-Wiles
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2021     Views: 5966

Do I want a journal or a database?


If you are looking for a specific article and you know the name of the journal it appears in (e.g. you have a citation) or if you want to browse a particular journal --- go to e-journals.  If you don't find your journal listed there, try print journals.  Remember that old issues are often available in print.

  • Doing research on a topic?  Use a database.

If you are looking for one or more articles on a specific topic, it is most effective to search many journals at once rather than browse/search one at a time. Databases such as ScienceDirect index many journals (over 1100 are full text). Remember that access to these databases is SHU restricted, so you will need to log in if you are off-campus.

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