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Last Updated: Sep 05, 2023     Views: 104

How to find articles?

Short answer:  Go to Articles under the "Find" banner on the library home page, this page includes a video tutorial.

With more detail, here are 2 approaches for how this might be answered:

1.    I have a citation for a particular article in a journal and I need to find the full text

2.    I am looking for an article on a particular subject.


For 1. I am looking for a particular article:

·      Go to the library home page:

·      Use the SHU Search, clicking on the drop-down menu you can select "Journals" if you know the name of the specific journal.

·      Type  the name of journal you are looking for in the search box and click 'search' (be sure to spell the journal correctly or it will not be found)

·      If the library holds the journal you are looking for, you will see an entry such as this:

International journal of health care finance and economics (1389-6563)



from 03/01/2001 to 1 year ago in ABI/INFORM Complete and ProQuest Health Management

·      Note the dates of coverage; if the article you need is less than 1 year old or prior to 03/01/2001, you will not be able to retrieve the full text (if this is the case, try Paper/Microform Journals and if you still can't find the journal and year you needm use Interlibrary Loan to request the article**

·      If the library holds the journal for the date(s) you need, follow the link to the database it is found in.  In this example that would be, ABI/Inform or ProQuest Health Management.

·      Once you are ‘in’ the journals, locate your article by either selecting the relevant year / volume / issue, or by clicking on “search within this publication”, selecting “advanced search” and searching for the title.

·      Open the full text – usually through a link like this    Full Text - PDF (226 K)

In most (though not all) databases you can also choose to email, save or a export an article. 

 ·    Alternatively, if you're unsure of the journal, using the SHU Search, go to the advanced search, go to the "select a field" box and select "title" to search by article title, you can also search by "author" to add the author(s) if the title is generic enough to have many results. 


For 2. how to find any article on a particular topic (not a particular article that you know the name of), then:

·      Go to the library home page:

·      You can once again use the SHU Search for a general search but as it searches everything the results might not be relevant.

·      Alternatively you can go to "Databases" under "Find" or click the Databases Icon on the home page, bringing you to our list of databases.

·      Use the “find by subject” list to locate your subject area and select a database; for example English

·      Enter your search terms in the search box. 


o   Remember:  the better your search terms, the better your results will be, so take some time to think about what you need to find.

o   Using the ‘advanced search’ option will let you make more specific searches.

o   Use the ‘sort by date’ option to get the most recent articles first, or limit your search by date.


You might also find our Research Guides helpful; for example Physical Therapy  You will find “help” tabs under both the “database” and “journals” tabs.

If you need more help in using databases and e-journals, please feel free to schedule an appointment for a tutorial, either by email or by using the 'research appointment' form:

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