How do I access library resources?


The IHS Library offers access to electronic resources, such as databases and e-journals, to current students, faculty, and staff at Seton Hall University and Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine/Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI). See log-in instructions below for each user group.


Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine & Center for Discovery and Innovation users:

  1. After selecting a resource via the IHS Library website, you will be prompted to “Choose how to sign in” (Image 1).



Image 1. Choose how to sign in.


  1. Choose “Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine (HMSOM) & Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI). (Image 2)



Image 2. Select HMSOM & CDI option


  1. Sign-in using your HMH credentials as you normally would for other HMH resources. (Image 3)



Image 3. Hackensack Meridian Health Sign-in screen.

Seton Hall University users:

  1. After selecting a resource via the IHS Library website, you will be prompted to “Choose how to sign in” (Image 1).



Image 1. Choose how to sign in.


  1. On the "Choose how to sign in" screen, select “Seton Hall University." (Image 2)


SHU choose how to log in

Image 2. Select Seton Hall University option


3. You will be prompted to sign-in with your Seton Hall University-assigned PirateNet ID (also referred to as your short ID, which is not the same as your email address) and password


Login screen


See Also:

Q. What is my PirateNet ID? I'm School of Medicine faculty.
Q. I can't remember my PirateNet password. How do I reset it?



  • Last Updated Jun 26, 2023
  • Views 240
  • Answered By Allison Piazza

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